K Peace consulting

Karina is a Registered Nurse with extensive experience in leadership and management across national portfolios in the Australian aged care industry. Subject matter expert in funding and strategic design of innovative systems for organisations that deliver and support our aged care industry. Karina has collaborated with the Department of Health since 2013 participating as a committee member of the Aged Care Funding Reform Committee (previously RUCS).

In 2019 K Peace Consulting commenced supporting aged care across Australia by delivering services including:

  • Analysis and hands on support to optimise funding,
  • Delivering education, training, coaching and support to embed simple processes empowering aged care providers to independently manage their funding outcomes,
  • Formulating policies, processes, financial metrics, and systems for organisations improving clinical and funding management,
  • Advising the Department of Health on designing new funding models, managing existing funding systems and change management strategies,
  • Advising the clinical IT documentation program designers on critical changes needed to manage funding evidence,
  • Representing peak bodies to the government,
  • Supporting operational, clinical, and financial teams to develop innovative and strategic business outcomes.

Clients of K Peace Consulting Pty Ltd are included in a private networking group meeting second monthly and attended by the Department of Health. The meeting provides updates and information on developments in aged care, enabling proactive planning of business changes and the opportunity for providers to inform government of issues or concerns.

Currently supporting over 45 aged care providers across Australia to provide care and services to their customers.